Monday, June 14, 2010

Mama Notes

One day, my little ones, you will not remember the moments that I have stolen from you when you weren't looking.  One day, you will understand why I worked so hard in my "executive" office next to the laundry room.  But today I plan, I strategise, I write the passions and the stories that come through because I am creating a new life and a new world in doing so.  We have been taught that we must earn our living under other people's conventions, we have been given the tired old legacies that have not worked for so long. 

But it is a new world of our own making.  And while some women may wait for their prince charming to come and rescue them from the suffocation we call a life here in suburbia, you will not need to wait.  The world already turns towards you like the flower to the sun.  The world offers itself to you and your passions and your dreams, and all you need to do is allow them to flow through you. 

You see, you are that big Love we have always sought out in the Universe, so it matters not what you do with your hands, what people may call a "work" or a "life".  It may not resemble anything familiar.  But this is fine.  You must know what it is like to craft something from the middle of you, from the center of the Universe, something that is singular and sublime. 

And more than this, you will show others how to do the same.  So while you sleep tonite, should there be any fear or any doubt please know that you are surrounded and full of that big Love in and through you. We have arrived indeed, the lovers, the dreamers, and you.



  1. A lovely post to begin my day! Thank you!

  2. It is a pleasure to share these sentiments and these plans. While it may be hard for some to understand the vision of a world in which we thrive and not just produce, I know you are here because you know the difference..

  3. It's always a pleasure to connect!


