Sunday, March 21, 2010

Your Own Witness is Waiting..

Every religious tradition offers some version of the Witness. The Witness is an important function of our psyche, offering a conscience and an inner guidance system that the deciding and acting self can draw from. It also offers refuge from our immediate stimulus and circumstances by observing from a safe distance. We are all born with it. However, sometimes early trauma or adverse early conditions can silence the Witness for some of us. For others, the Witness becomes active to such an extent that it witnesses on behalf of others. It may empathize where there is a void of empathy, but it can also be disruptive to what we consider to be necessary life routines. People whom we consider to have psychic abilities have very developed Witnesses.

It is important to know that while we call the Witness the observer, it is a part of us that needs to be cultivated throughout our lives. A Witness doesn’t simply narrate our actions, as if to say,”I’m doing the dishes, now.” It constantly observes how aligned we are to our own truth. It’s capable of saying, “I’m digressing in my conversation with my mother now because I’m uncomfortable saying what I really need to say”.

